A very long and difficult journey

I have been dealing with the disease for over 40 years. When I was 8 or 9 years old (1978 or 1979) I went to my pediatrician with an itchy, scaly rash on my elbows. At the time I was told that it was a summer rash and was prescribed a cream to keep the skin moisturized.

A late psoriasis diagnosis

It wasn't until 3 years ago that I was actually diagnosed with psoriasis and given a two-step treatment. The only real problem I have is that during the winter I don't have a problem with it but during the rest of the year the spots and the itching is really bad (of course Summer is my favorite season too).

The "rash" has started to migrate from one area (one year it may be on my legs, the next on my chest, and so on) to this year it's affecting both the tops of my feet and the back of my legs.

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