The Excitement of Seeing a New(ish) Dermatologist2025 is starting out to be a good year regarding my psoriasis. After a couple of years of not having proper medical care, I now have an appointment with a...
Does Your Dog Have Psoriasis?You can’t make this stuff up. I remember years ago taking my dog to the vet. I remember him saying that your dog has so many flakes on her, of...
Scalp Psoriasis and ConditionerSo many of the scalp shampoos and conditioners for psoriasis dry out my scalp and hair. I don't know about you, but I have a hard time maintaining a good...
The Excitement of Seeing a New(ish) Dermatologist2025 is starting out to be a good year regarding my psoriasis. After a couple of years of not having proper medical care, I now have an appointment with a...
Does Your Dog Have Psoriasis?You can’t make this stuff up. I remember years ago taking my dog to the vet. I remember him saying that your dog has so many flakes on her, of...
Scalp Psoriasis and ConditionerSo many of the scalp shampoos and conditioners for psoriasis dry out my scalp and hair. I don't know about you, but I have a hard time maintaining a good...
The Excitement of Seeing a New(ish) Dermatologist2025 is starting out to be a good year regarding my psoriasis. After a couple of years of not having proper medical care, I now have an appointment with a...
Does Your Dog Have Psoriasis?You can’t make this stuff up. I remember years ago taking my dog to the vet. I remember him saying that your dog has so many flakes on her, of...
Scalp Psoriasis and ConditionerSo many of the scalp shampoos and conditioners for psoriasis dry out my scalp and hair. I don't know about you, but I have a hard time maintaining a good...
How Painful Can Psoriasis Be?Psoriasis can not only be unsightly, embarrassing and itchy, but it can also be rather painful. Depending on how severe your psoriasis is will depend on how painful it is...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Remaining Positive About Your Psoriasis in 20252025 is going to be a good year. I am very hopeful of that. My psoriasis patches have lessened dramatically since starting my Skyrizi biologic injections, my mental health has...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Featured forum Is There A Medication That Causes Your Psoriasis Flares?I remember years ago taking a high blood pressure medication that would cause me to flare. It took a while for the doctor to figure it out. They kept changing...Reactions0reactionsComments4 replies
Featured story Life with PsoriasisHey, firstly I would like to thank you for giving me this platform to express my real situation. I initially noticed some hard scaly bumps on my scalp. Initially, I...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments