, this is a great topic! I'm sorry you had to go through that with the blood pressure medication. Unfortunately, some blood pressure medications are known to trigger/aggravate psoriasis. There's quite a few medications which can do this. For anyone who's curious, there's a section on medications which can trigger psoriasis in the following article: https://plaquepsoriasis.com/what-is-psoriasis/triggers-causes-flares Were you able to find a different blood pressure medication that didn't aggravate your psoriasis, Diane?
I think the only medication I've found to irritate my psoriasis was Roaccutane/Accutane. My psoriasis ended up more red and flaky, which makes sense as I believe that medication works by encouraging the skin cells to turnover quicker than usual. My joints were also more achy whilst on this medication.
Very curious to hear others' experiences with this! -Catherine, Community Moderator