How is your Psoriasis?First let me say how grateful I am that each of you in the community are here. As we are only 3 days away from 2025, I want to know...Reactions0reactionsComments9 repliesCopingFlare-upMental Health
Plaque removal? Let's talk about it. Some people with psoriasis remove their plaques or scales. Is this something that you do? If so, how do you remove your plaques? Ask questions and share your experience....Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesFlare-upItchingTips & Advice
Is There A Medication That Causes Your Psoriasis Flares?I remember years ago taking a high blood pressure medication that would cause me to flare. It took a while for the doctor to figure it out. They kept changing...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesTriggersFlare-up
All Things Psoriasis Flares! Here's a forum space for you to share all things to do with psoriasis flares. What causes them, what exacerbates them, what soothes them, what treats them, and what prevents...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesCopingFlare-upAwareness
What Is Something That Can Cause Your Psoriasis To Flare?Back in the day, alcohol used to be a big one for me. If I drank too much, the next morning you could see the outline of my body, I...Reactions0reactionsComments10 repliesFlare-upTreatment
psoriasias psoriasias effect feet everything get issues with it cause every issue you will get from no cure not sure if there will be for it...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesPsoriatic ArthritisDepressionFlare-up
New Psoriasis SymptonI have had psoriasis for 60 1/2 years. You would think that by now you have experienced it all. NOT!!! I have had nail psoriasis in the past. It was...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesFlare-upCopingSymptoms
Have You Ever Had Psoriasis On Your Tongue?It's not only on my tongue, but my lips also. I'm having a really bad flare and started a new biologic along with Methotrexate. This has never happened to me...Reactions0reactionsComments9 repliesFlare-upCopingDiagnosis
How Long Does It Take For Methtraxate To Start Working?I know this is a loaded question and I know we are all different. This is a drug I have been using on and off for the past 20-plus-odd years...Reactions0reactionsComments7 repliesCopingFlare-upSymptoms