, what a great idea to check in and see how everyone is doing. You're right - this time of year can be stressful. I haven't been as stressed as I thought I might be. I'm very introverted and people drain my energy (and I don't have a lot to spare with the fatigue!) so I can get quite irritable when the house is busy with family. But I've not been too bad this year thankfully, although my family may say otherwise 😅 I am slightly stressed now though as one of my sisters has reported that she has a "tickle" in her throat. I think many of us here are aware that infections can trigger psoriasis flares, and that if we get an infection we often have to skip our immunosuppressive medications (further risking a flare). So that is stressing me out a bit and, of course, stress can trigger a flare too. My psoriasis has actually been pretty good lately - the patches on my elbows that I've had for more or less my whole life just vanished a couple of months ago. No idea why, but that was a pleasant surprise! I still have psoriasis elsewhere though (and the psoriatic arthritis). How are you doing, Vickie? And how is your psoriasis at the moment? Hugs! -Catherine, Community Moderator