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Would you consider your psoriasis to be mild, moderate, or severe?
Clair G Moderator & Contributor
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- Clair ( Team Member)
Lmundishop Member
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Lmundishop Member
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Before 1958 I never had skin issues. In 1958 I started to have a mild case of acne on my forehead . I didn’t put anything on it used a mild cleanser. I think it was Nutragena (not sure of the spelling) and it went away by the time I graduated high school in 61. I only use coconut or extra virgin olive oil on my skin. I used to get sun poisoning (I am very pale otherwise) every summer on my lips but by winter it was gone. I am now 79 (will be 80 end of May.) Just recently got some plaques on my inner elbow area. And my inner arms I have a lot of wrinkles, but hardly any on my face. Even my doctors are surprised when I tell them my age.
CathyD Moderator
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DianeT Moderator & Contributor
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CathyD Moderator
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I sometimes find the way that the severity of psoriasis is measured to be a bit peculiar (here's an article on how doctors determine the severity of psoriasis, for anyone who's curious: For example, there have been times when I've not had much psoriasis in terms of coverage, but the plaques that I did have were (what I would consider to be) severely inflamed. I find it a bit strange that this would still be classed as mild psoriasis, as it only affected a small percentage of my body, even though the actual psoriasis plaques and disease activity in those areas were certainly not "mild".
I'm very curious to hear others' thoughts and experiences with the severity of their psoriasis! -Catherine, Community Moderator