Active todayHow severe is your psoriasis?Would you consider your psoriasis to be mild, moderate, or severe?...Reactions0reactionsComments91 repliesDiagnosisSymptoms
FeaturedActive 4 days agoWhich type(s) of psoriasis do you have?While our community is called, we're here for everyone who is impacted by psoriasis - no matter what kind. I thought it might be interesting for us all to...Reactions0reactionsComments50 repliesAwarenessDiagnosisSymptoms
Is This Plaque Psoriasis? Hi everyone, so about 4-5 months ago I got a rough patch of skin on my foot right under my big toe. Then the next month I started getting it...Reactions0reactionsComments46 repliesSymptoms
Psoriasis Can Interfere With Your Quality Of LifeI could write a book about this. Itching can interfere with sleep. I had a very severe case of psoriasis where plaques appeared on my hands and made it hard...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesMental HealthSide EffectsSymptoms
Do you have nail psoriasis?Given that around half of people with psoriasis have symptoms that affect their nails in some way, and most people with psoriasis will have nail psoriasis symptoms at some point...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesSymptomsTips & AdviceTreatment
Pulsating scalp painI use coal tar shampoo twice weekly my scalp is painful to touch and throbs it's madly itchy and almost too painful to scratch it disturbs my sleep and I...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesScalp PsoriasisSymptomsTips & Advice
i have psoriasis from 24 years , plz suggest what should i doi am experiencing pain n fatigue .. is dat normal...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesSymptomsTips & Advice
New Psoriasis SymptonI have had psoriasis for 60 1/2 years. You would think that by now you have experienced it all. NOT!!! I have had nail psoriasis in the past. It was...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesFlare-upCopingSymptoms
Why Are My Toes Overlapping?Oh my gosh!! I can't even explain this feeling. I just know that my toes overlap and it's very uncomfortable and painful. I try to make it stop by holding...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesCopingSymptomsSide Effects
FeaturedPsoriasis Symptoms Suck! Psoriasis sucks. Truly, it is such a frustrating condition to manage. Esspecially the symptoms! What symptoms frustrate you the most? This is a safe space to let it out! Vent...Reactions0reactionsComments8 repliesAwarenessSymptomsTips & Advice