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Is This Plaque Psoriasis?

Hi everyone, so about 4-5 months ago I got a rough patch of skin on my foot right under my big toe. Then the next month I started getting it on my right hand, but only on my joints. Now I'm getting a small one on my left hand. In doing research it looks like plaque psoriasis. I also have Hidradenitis Suppurativa. I have a Dr. Appointment on Thursday, but can anyone tell me if they think this is plaque psoriasis? If not, what could it be?Right hand

  1. Hi , thank you for reaching out here and I'm sorry that you're having to deal with these symptoms. We're not able to offer medical advice or make diagnoses here (for your safety) but I hope anyone with similar symptoms will stop by to share their personal experiences with you. I have had psoriasis over my joints (elbows, knees and down my spine) but I haven't personally had this occur on my hands. We're all different though! I'm glad to hear that you have an appointment coming up on Thursday - is that with a dermatologist?

    We have a couple of articles that I'm hoping will be helpful. The first is on common symptoms of plaque psoriasis: and the second looks at a few conditions that psoriasis is sometimes confused with/misdiagnosed as: If you don't mind, please keep us updated on how you're doing and how the appointment goes. Wishing you the very best for getting some answers and finding relief. Warmly, -Catherine, Community Moderator

    1. Thank you! No, this appointment is with my primary, but I do have a Dermatologist appointment next month for the next steps on what to do with my Hidradenitis. I will certainly bring it up to her then.

    2. , you're very welcome. Oh I'm glad to hear that you'll be seeing both your primary and your dermatologist in the near future. It's good you've been taking photos too - I often find my psoriasis decides to really calm down just in time for my dermatology appointments, only to flare back up literally the next day. So irritating! You are dealing with a lot with the hidradenitis suppurativa already, I'm sure. Have you been able to find a treatment that helps you keep the HS under control? I thought you might be interested to read the following article from , who recently found out that she has HS alongside her psoriasis: We also have an HS community over at We're all here anytime you need support. Best wishes for your appointment tomorrow! -Catherine, Community Moderator

  2. , thanks for sharing this with us. I do have PsO, mind is more of a purplish color. Let us know what the dermatologist has to say. Is it itching or anything? Keep in touch with us with us. Diane (Team Member)

    1. No, it doesn't really itch much, but it does burn a good amount. Will do! Thank you!

    2. , my itch is the worst. It is one of the most uncomfortable things I have had to deal with. I only get the burning if the scales fall off. I sure hope your derm can tell you what's going on. I can feel your pain. Diane (Team Member)

  3. Good luck with appointment with your primary, and I think its is great that you have a dermatologist appointment coming up. I am sure between the two doctors they will be able to give you a diagnosis.

    My psoriasis has recently crept onto the tops of my hands. It has no manners though and it just all over. Please do keep us in the loop.

    Warmly, Clair ( Team Member)

    1. Hi we are not allowed to give out any form of diagnosis. I am sorry about that. Your best route is definitely going to your doctor. Is that appointment with a dermatologist? I can say that is who is best to diagnose you. Vickie, Team Member

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