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Intimate Relationships With Psoriasis

I had a support group meeting recently. The subject of sex and psoriasis came up among young new couples. There were a lot of questions. I will be 66 next month and hope much hasn't changed over the decades.

One of the things I did share was that you have to be honest upfront. You don't want to be in a compromising position and asked what is that all over your skin? You don't want anyone thinking something that's not true.

What tips can you add to this conversation? Would you tell someone you have psoriasis on a first date? We would like to hear from you. Diane (Team Member)

  1. This is great topic because relationships are important to everyday life, even when your dealing with a health condition. I think being honesty is number one for sure. But to add to that, I also think it's important to discuss limitations and possibilities. There may come a time when you aren't you’re capable of enjoying intimacy on a given day. It's important that your partner understands this and that they are other ways to show relational expression for when a time like this happens. Also, communicating your needs of each is important because one should should feel they are lacking in the relationship. Full transparency, honesty, and being open minded is going to be so important to the success if ones relationship.

    1. Hello , I agree with you 100%. I have had severe PsO my whole life. I could write a book about what I went through in my teenage years, 20's, and 30's until age 36. Men are visual, so I have been told. LOL!!! It didn't matter how honest I was, the explanations, my history; all they saw was my psoriasis. Now, we know that all men are not the same, so no judgment.

      On my first date with my husband, I told him that I was covered in psoriasis. He had never met anyone with psoriasis and didn't know what it was. I did show him my skin right there and then. I had already been through plenty of dates. I waited for a date to call me back and educate them. Once they saw my skin they were long gone.

      Next month I will have been married for 27 years and getting him to understand that my skin cracks, bleeds, and hurts was not an easy task either. Then when the psoriatic arthritis kicked in, that was another challenge for both of us. We grew together and he has been my number one advocate.

      I agree with you 100%, be honest upfront, even if you are in remission. As you know a flare-up can come at any time. Thanks for the feedback. Diane (Team Member)

  2. Was there anything you did special for Valentine's Day with or without psoriasis? My husband brought me roses and dinner. I couldn't go out. My psoriasis is doing pretty good, but the psoriatic arthritis is licking my butt. And Valentine's Day is our 27th anniversary. Where did the time go? How was your day? Diane (Team Member)

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