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How Do We Educate Family and Friends About Psoriasis And Finding Acceptance?

I have often asked myself how I can change how people perceive me with this disease? How do I stop this social stigma that is put on me?

It has taken me decades to get over the psychological warfare that psoriasis has taken on me. I remember the first time I opened myself up to someone about my skin. I was almost 40 years old. This was also the first step towards self-acceptance. The funny part is that she was calm and asked me lots of questions. I knew at that moment she was concerned about me.

Finding people I can trust

I looked back over my life and saw how much heartache I had. Trying to answer questions about why I had so many flakes in my hair or what was all over my body. The one thing I did learn was how I contributed to this social media stigma. I was just as bad as being unaccepting of myself as others were. I’m sure the stress and anger I was feeling made my skin even worse. How can others accept me if I can’t accept myself?

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Let’s learn how to communicate carefully with people who are around us. We must learn that we are not beneath or inferior to others because we look different. I used to hate it when people stared at me. I would get so upset and irritable. Little did I know I had the power to open these people’s eyes, just by sharing my knowledge with them. Just start conversing with people who doesn't understand what we go through daily. You can start by just saying that you’re having a bad day.

What helped me in my life was finding people I trusted, such as family, friends, and the people who had this disease. I wouldn’t try talking to people who hurt me, at least not yet. The biggest advice I got from people was to learn to tell my story and educate myself. Be patient with yourself, and you will see the difference.

People might not understand right away

Don’t expect people to understand right away. It will take time. Over the years I have met very nice people who say stop worrying about a few flakes. I will never forget years ago going to a co-worker’s home and I swear, every place I went in her home I left flakes. I just wanted to sink into the floor. She was more willing to just listen to me. I remember her saying that she had never heard of some of the things I was telling her, but she thanked me for opening up to her.

People, we just need one person to open up to and share. At that very moment with my coworker, I needed solidarity and support. We just need that one person to say enough is enough. Take that first step and share your experience with a couple of people. It took decades for me to allow my journey to even start, so I could finally get towards self-acceptance. Don’t let this be you.

We are all in this together.

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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