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a present box filled with a blanket, unscented bubble bath, an icepack, and mittens

Thoughtful Christmas Gifts for Those with Psoriasis

Tis’ the season to be jolly, lalalala la la la la. Folks, my favorite time of the year has arrived: Christmas season.

The magic of Christmas

There has always been something truly magical for me about this season. Everyone seems to be in lighter spirits, Christmas lights of every variety come to life and music sings through the hallways. Children’s eyes are alight with the stories of magic and moments of love with family. I am one of those adults that absorbs Christmas and everything about it.

The colors, the family gathering, the gifting, the friends and even the quiet moments of solitude. These usually come at night when my house is asleep and the lights of the tree flicker quietly to the beat of the music in my head. I have never been particularly religious per se, I have always been spiritual though. I believe in love and kindness more than most things.

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This time of year is where we should remember to be thoughtful of those around us and be grateful for what we have.

Christmas gift ideas for those with psoriasis

If you are choosing gifts for someone who suffers from psoriasis and or psoriatic arthritis, here are some ideas that I can almost promise will be well received.

Ice packs

Anyone who suffers from chronic pain needs these at some stage or the other. A quirky note can make this something really special. I know mine always need replacing.

Warm winter socks and gloves

For all the aching joints. And a spare set for when one set is in the wash.

A soft blanket

A new beautiful blanket to snuggle at night and help ease the pain of cold winter nights.Bath products Fragrance-free bubble bath and bath products maybe go for something for sensitive skin and no perfume in.A travel kit They can keep everything they need on hand, in small stylish bottles and a bag.Care kit A fancy reading pillow for the bed, new pajamas, bedside snacks, and a good book. This is what they could use for the days when rest is all they need.You can also add these items to what you already were planning on gifting or make a pamper pack up. Adding cute little notes that let them know why you chose the gifts is also a thoughtful touch. Be thoughtful in gifts. Be kind to psoriasis.Another great option is time. If you can, offer to take your loved one to a Christmas lunch or dinner this year. It is a quick way to appreciate them and also gifting their time back for other holiday obligations. Winter is a hard time for most of us, we tire easily and our pain levels are normally higher than usual. I would love to hear some ideas for gifts that you would need or want. That most people would not have thought of.Be kind, spend time with your loved ones, and be present in the moment. Choose your gifts with care. If you cannot afford gifts, pick a flower and write a note. Call the people you love and make an effort to be around. Reach out to those in need and the ones you can help.Enjoy the season, be safe and be kind.
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