A hand gently lifts up a wilting wallflower with plaque psoriasis.

My Letter to You, Psoriasis Warrior.

As I write to you on this beautiful crisp evening. I hope and trust that this finds you well. I have decided to write you a letter. Yes, you. I can see that you need it, I have been where you are more times than I care to admit. I would like to remind you of a few things that you may have lost sight of.

Please know that I see you, you are not just a number, you are not just part of the crowd. When I am talking to you, I am focused on you, investing my time, love, and energy in you is one of the best choices I have made today.

Every day we are given a chance to make new choices, and every day I chose you.

The psoriasis wallflower

I see you there, wanting to disappear into the background lest somebody should notice your skin. The red lesions that cover your arms. Making dressing warm for winter not just a struggle but a painful reminder.

Don’t hang your head so low, lift your head toward the skies and carry yourself with pride. Your lesions do not define you. Let them look. Let them stare. You are beautiful just the way you are. Carry yourself with pride, you owe no one an explanation for your skin.

The patient searching for anwswer

I see you there, feeling lost and confused, in and out of doctor’s rooms, waiting and explaining over and over again. The same story, the same symptoms, a new cream, and new wash, let’s try something a little stronger. The words and options swirling in your head, all you want is to feel better, even just for a while.

Stop, breathe, take some time, you do not need to decide today. Tell them to slow down to explain it to you better, and yes you want to know everything. This is your health and your right to choose what you would like to use or not use. Stand your ground and be who you need to be to get the care that you need.


I see you there, tired and fatigued. You have never felt this way before, your sleep pattern is broken and you are forgetting things. You never had to write anything down and you used to be able to function perfectly fine on minimal rest. Now you can’t.

Take time to care for yourself, rest when you need to, take some time off work and get some sleep. Buy a beautiful diary with bright pages and motivational quotes on and become the best list keeper you ever did see. Instead of trying to be the old you, embrace the new version of you.

I offer your psoriasis understanding

I see you there, I know you think that no one understands, you feel alone and forgotten. Not wanting to admit to these feelings as it may be seen as attention-seeking by loved ones. I see you. I understand you and I am here for you.

Talk to the ones you love, they will be there for you, they might not understand, but they can hold your hand.  I see you and I understand what you are going through. Please do not forget that you are not alone, never.

Do not give up and do start being kinder to yourself. You deserve to be resting and taking care of yourself. You have got this. Do not mind yourself with the thoughts of others. Look after yourself, the rest will fall in to place.

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