Remaining Positive About Your Psoriasis in 2025
2025 is going to be a good year. I am very hopeful of that. My psoriasis patches have lessened dramatically since starting my Skyrizi biologic injections, my mental health has improved and I have motivation once again. I am loving it.
Psoriasis can be a difficult disease to deal with. The red, scaly patches can bleed, ruining your clothes with blood stains, it can itch incessantly, and the whole thing can just seem unsightly, off-putting and embarrassing. You may get awkward questions from co-workers, friends and people in the street, you may get stared at, suffer mental health problems and life can generally just seem burdensome.
Feeling frustrated with something I can't change
I have had the condition for years now. I have had periods of my life where most of my body has been covered, but it has dramatically improved since starting my biologic injection. If you’re starting 2025 with a psoriasis flare-up, you need to remain hopeful and optimistic. Things will get better.
My journey with psoriasis has often felt like a never-ending, arduous and strenuous battle. Flakes falling on the floor has ruined my carpets, made cleaning a nightmare and stopped me from socializing and going out with friends. I felt frustrated with something I just couldn’t do anything about but that was giving me enormous pain and discomfort.
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You may be in that position now. Your psoriasis may have started in one area of your body and is spreading. It might be spreading slowly or very quickly. It may be on your scalp, stomach, elbows, arms, legs, private areas or just about everywhere. Mine always flares in my scalp and for many years I tried shampoos and ointments to treat it with some success. But you, like me, may feel you’re never going to be free of this condition.
And you won’t. It’s life-long and will come in waves. But. And there’s a big but. It can be treated and successfully managed. You just have to accept that a lot of the treatments are trial and error and depend on the severity of your condition and what you’re prepared to take to treat it. I tried virtually everything before starting my biologic injections and while the treatments worked initially, they all either stopped working or my psoriasis came back.
I try to remain positive
The key is remaining positive. It sounds boring. It sounds easier said than done. But you have to. As I’ve said, psoriasis is a life-long condition. It’s chronic. It will probably require some sort of management treatment throughout your life. There’s the other problems I’ve also said, like issues with mental health and general well-being, which you’ll need to treat too.
So, remaining positive is the best thing you’ve got. Talk about the condition as much as possible, be open and learn. Read articles about psoriasis, like this one, and buy some books to help you understand how it works and manifests.
2025 will be a good year for you and your psoriasis. Possibly your best when it comes to your condition. So, be positive. Be hopeful. Be optimistic. Things will get better.
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