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Logic in Psoriasis: Remission, Relapse, Rebound, and Recovery

Psoriasis ends up taking up so much of our brain space, we forget to enjoy life. Our life, our bodies are so much more than psoriasis. I hope you allow me to offer some advice on how we can move through the harder moments and find some perspective, outside of this condition.

After all, we grow through what we go through.

The emotional toll of psoriasis remission, relapse, rebound and recovery.

There is no cure for psoriasis and there will be ongoing days of good moments and bad ones. There is a logic to our psoriasis management cycle. When we're in remission, we're worried about triggers and the next flare. When we relapse, we blame ourselves and try to improve our symptoms as quickly as possible.

We rebound when we find a semblance of relief, hope grows. We recover from that emotional and physically draining flare to find ourselves in a new version of remission again. Where along the way can we just be?

We're always looking for improvements, wherever we are in this logic cycle. I know I am guilty of it. What's the next treatment I can try? What is the latest research? What could be my next trigger? We're never going to find a perfect escape for this incurable disease. But, we can find some emotional comforts and kindness along the way.

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Psoriasis relapse doesn't define you. Be kind.

We're fighters and the only way we can truly beat this condition is to not let it defeat us. We can allow ourselves to have our down days, knowing that the sun will soon shine again. We have to find new and inventive ways to accept ourselves and be comfortable in our skin, no matter what it looks like.

Psoriasis will never go away - and it will always come back. It's important to be kind to ourselves through every phase of this logic. Practice self-compassion instead of self-blame. Remember that you are a worthy human being and treat yourself the way you would a best friend. Find moments to be kind yourself and let yourself accept it.

It will uncomfortable at first - but you're already uncomfortable, so just try. I tend to be more kind to myself when I won't look at myself in the mirror. I don't want to look at the scars that will never go away. More than anybody else, I have to be with myself and my mind should be a nice place to be.

Gratitude in psoriasis relapse - and recovery.

I said that we should treat ourselves the way we would a best friend, I meant that. We need to be our own best friend. We should never give up on ourselves. When I'm in remission, I enjoy my energy. When I'm in my flare, I'm thankful for my body, even though I'm inactive. Practice gratitude on those days when it's harder to smile.

At 10 years old, my father told me: "The universe give you more of what you think about the most". For those with psoriasis, the universe tends to amplify our negative emotions and our painful intrusive thoughts. Don't you think we deserve better?

The more we think about happiness, gratitude and being present, the more it will find us. Personally, I gave it a try. My loop of recovery and remission felt more tolerable, manageable and felt longer than before.

I prefer to be more grateful than worried.

Please know, I'm not trying to drown you in toxic positivity or invalidate your feelings. There will always be hard days, weeks, months, which we should always hold space for. But for me? I prefer to be more grateful than worried. For me, it's always a choice, and when it's not, I honor myself by doing something about it like talking to a professional.

Your peace is worth protecting, in ways and cycles that work for you. Don't let time pass you by. I am not saying anything, that most of us don't already know. Since we have to be with ourselves 24 a day why not make that space more calm, peaceful and safe?

If I had a $100 every time I had a relapse, I would be a millionaire right now. Flares happen and most of the time in the worst way, but we always bounce back.

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