Soothing Drinks For Psoriasis

Living with psoriasis is hard, especially when you’re having a bad flare. I have been diagnosed with psoriasis for over six decades. During that time, I have tried many things, and taken countless treatments to control my psoriasis. One thing that made a difference for me was choosing the right drinks and incorporating them into my daily routine.

Today I will share some of the drinks that helped me sooth my skin. I hope they prove to be beneficial for all of us. The first drink I remember even back in the day was green tea. It was bitter 60 years ago, but now my go-to drink is green tea these days.

Calming my inflammation

When there is inflammation, I drink green tea. It calms the inflammation because of its antioxidants that help calm the skin and reduce flakiness. Sadly, it’s still not my choice drink, but I normally make one cup of green tea in the morning and take sips of it throughout the day.

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The second drink is Aloe Vera juice. Aloe Vera is great when I need help hydrating my skin. It sometimes gives me a cooling and refreshing effect. I like to enjoy this drink during hot weather as my skin seems to get drier and itch more.

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Years ago, I tried turmeric. I was told it would help with the inflammatory pain I was having. You just mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder in a glass of warm milk, and it is ready to go. This drink would help the skin heal and calm the irritation that I was having on the skin. Drink it before going to bed, so you can get restful sleep after drinking it.

Staying hydrated

As we know with psoriasis, we need to stay hydrated. I have added coconut water. It’s really good and a good way to stay hydrated and refreshed all day long. Coconut water helps hydrate the skin inside and out. For moisturized and healthy-looking skin, I prefer drinking it daily.

Chamomile tea is known to help reduce stress and anxiety and is one of the main causes of psoriasis flare-ups, so they say.  After having a hectic day, I prefer drinking this in a quiet place as it calms my mind and my psoriasis.

Lastly, there is bone broth which is one of my favorites now. I know it's not a traditional drink, but the bone broth contains amino acids and collagen that are good for your skin.  My mom used to make this for me back in the 60’s. Some people don’t like to have bone broth.  The best way to have it is by adding them to your soup. For me, I prefer bone broth as it is, and believe me it tastes delicious. Although these drinks didn't cure my psoriasis, they have helped calm my skin down. They have given me relief and hydration. As we all know, it’s always wise to consult your doctor before starting anything new. We all have our journey.

Remember we are all in this together.

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