The History of World Psoriasis Day

Do you even know there is a World Psoriasis Day? How about the fact that it happens every year on the same day and same month? Can you answer the question of when World Psoriasis Day even started?

After this article, I hope you will be able to answer some of these questions with enthusiasm. Since I believe knowledge is power than let's dive into some of these questions so we can all learn the answers.

What is the history of World Psoriasis Day?

The International Federation of Psoriasis Associations better referred to as IFPA established World Psoriasis Day. The day was created to raise awareness and link the common issues that over 125 million people living with psoriasis and/or psoriatic arthritis struggle with daily.

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What are the main goals of World Psoriasis Day?

  • Spread awareness about the effects psoriasis has on individuals living with the disease
  • Share information as to what the condition is, how it is treated and if it is contagious
  • Improve access to those suffering with psoriasis and resources affordable and appropriate treatment
  • Give the psoriasis community a voice

It is this last goal that I find myself relating to the most. I truly felt lost about my psoriasis until I started speaking out about my journey. The good, the bad, the ugly but it is all my story and my voice makes a difference. World Psoriasis Day gives me another chance to share my story.

When is World Psoriasis Day?

Well, World Psoriasis Day takes place annually on October 29th. It started and launched in 2004 by members and non-members of different psoriasis associations around the world. Members are referred to those associations that make up the IFPA. Non-members are those who support those associations. In my instance, I volunteer with the National Psoriasis Foundation. This makes me a non-member by association. Anyone who does anything to celebrate World Psoriasis Day within the given theme of that year helps turn the day into something special for all those who suffer with psoriasis.

What is the theme of World Psoriasis Day 2019?

Each year the theme is different but relatable to the four goals of the IFPA. The goal and theme for 2019 are "Let's Get Connected." It celebrates connecting people with psoriasis and bringing them to a larger community. I encourage you to check out the National Psoriasis Foundation website and its campaign for World Psoriasis Day. You will be keeping with the theme of and find yourself connecting to others all year round.

Now that you know

Along with the IFPA, there were 56 countries that held events and spread awareness about psoriasis. It is only when we all get involved, in whatever manner we are comfortable with, that World Psoriasis Day can become something powerful. If it's too late for you this year, there's always next year. You can research different psoriasis communities and allow yourself to be proactive for 2020.

Now that you know more about World Psoriasis Day, what will you do to start getting involved? Please share below so we all can celebrate with all year round.

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