A Balancing Act of Acceptance
I’ve had plaque psoriasis since I was 5 years old. Kids avoided me like I had the plague and I had to constantly educate kids and adults alike that it is NOT contagious. One summer when I was 8, I fainted because I was overheated. I wore sweaters all year long because I was so embarrassed by my plaques.
Psoriasis in my 20's
Fast forward to my early to mid-twenties. I moved to Hawaii, where the climate suited my skin better. I made some great friends and they taught me to own my natural beauty. I finally had the courage to wear shorts and short sleeves. Eventually, I returned home to NY where the climate did NOT agree with me. My body exploded with severe aggressive plaques all over. I could not bend or straighten my arms and legs and I bled every night. It was a nightmare.
Now I’ve been taking biologics for 5-6 years. My skin cleared up dramatically but I suffer the side effects of the medication including fatigue, headaches, and prone to respiratory infections, which has altered the quality of my life in a different way.
Accepting myself and my psoriasis
Now in my early thirties, I learned it is a constant balancing act. I learned from my therapist that we often feel angry with ourselves and our situation because we feel betrayed by our bodies. These days I practice meditation and breathing exercises to manage my stress and anxiety and try to say positive affirmations out loud. Though I don’t have the plaques any more, I know psoriasis is a lifelong struggle that I am working to make peace with.
It’s a balancing act to find acceptance of yourself, to constantly remind yourself that despite the challenges, you are good enough.
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