Cokes and Sugar Cookies

That was my main diet not knowing too much about psoriasis other than I knew I had it. Mom had it so I inherited from her. I was given Humira as long as I had Obamacare, when I was put on Medicare I had to stop taking it because I couldn't afford it anymore. Went through a few things that really messed with my head and the psoriasis came back with a vengeance and it started all over my body. Anyway, I started reading about my problem on Facebook and found out that I was doing everything wrong. So I quit drinking Cokes and quit eating all the sugar cookies and that was a lot.
My husband suggested that I start drinking Gatorade and I did. Lost 12 1/2 pounds not doing nothing but stay inside and lay on the couch. My psoriasis has improved so much it's almost gone. In other words, I can't believe what I'm seeing. It's wonderful . I will continue learning more about my condition and keep drinking Gatorade. I just turned 60.

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