My Journey So Far
When I was 9, 12, & 16 I had little breakouts on my feet and hands, small red dots. Now in my 40s one night, I will never forget, it was the most painful feeling I had ever experienced in my life, I had this sharp painful feeling on my thigh. That’s when my psoriasis started. At first, it was a small rash on my knee and then it intensified, now I have it all over my body.
Treating my psoriasis with home remedies
At first, I didn’t know what I had and what it was. So I had to do some research and investigating and it turns out that I have psoriasis. Then I have to do more research to find out if there are any home remedies that help me with my psoriasis. I’ll take a shot of apple cider vinegar daily along with probiotics, Omega-3's, fish oil, vitamins, and fiber for my skin. I take daily baths with Shea butter, black bar soap, and baby oil you can put all over your body.
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