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Life (So Far)

I had a good childhood in Bridgeport Connecticut: an A student, piano lessons, dancing school, church Youth Group. It was the summer of 1966, before my junior year at UConn, that my first red patch of psoriasis appeared on my forehead. My two sisters had had other serious skin problems, but they didn’t end up in the hospital as I eventually did with my psoriasis. I gave my boyfriend the option of breaking up with me because of my “affliction”, but he stayed. We married a couple of years later.

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I guess when I became a fifth-grade teacher in Bridgeport, I wore long sleeved blouses. I know I had large patches on my shins and elbows. But, I don’t remember students commenting on them. My scalp was the worst area; I think people figured I had a bad case of dandruff.

Stress supposedly exacerbated psoriasis. But, that wasn’t the case for me as I went through a really contentious divorce.

Over the last 40 years, I’ve raised my two sons here in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Now my home is in Intercourse, just down from Bird-in-Hand, Blue Ball, and Paradise. Yes, these towns really do exist. Now I’m 70. Boy! Life goes fast! Thanks to Enbrel and now Stelara, I’m clear of plaque psoriasis, even my scalp. I’m hoping that as these biologics reduce the inflammation in my body, it will keep me healthy.

My family and friends never made an issue of my scaly crust; I rarely felt self-conscious. They were a blessing and a great support to me. I’m hoping to be a support to my new friends at

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