Life with Psoriasis
Hey, firstly I would like to thank you for giving me this platform to express my real situation.
My early symptoms
I initially noticed some hard scaly bumps on my scalp. Initially, I thought it was just simple dandruff or scalp dermatitis. Over the next few months, it spread to the rest of my body. The itching became unbearable no matter what treatment I tried.
My diagnosis
When I met for the first time with my dermatologist, she diagnosed me with psoriasis, where healthy skin cells multiply too quickly, but it was very hard to hear that there is no permanent treatment for this disease. Psoriasis is not something that can be treated by medicine. Stress and anxiety make my psoriasis so much worse. Being covered in psoriasis plaques can be really emotionally upsetting. In one moment I feel itchy, and in another moment I'm bleeding from mindlessly scratching. I have been hiding myself and my skin from this world.
The emotional toll
No matter how healthy you are, how good-looking you are patches in your body makes society question you 100 times. I stoped wearing short dresses just to hide my patches. Some people started questioning me due to an unhygienic condition. It was very hard to explain what I am going through. It was almost 3 years and I was not able to recover from this situation. I tried all possible methods, from allopathy to homeopathy, but nothing is working.
Not giving up
Psoriasis is one of the most challenging thing's I've had to deal with. I try to not let psoriasis control my joy. I am still fight this condition with all my strength. In the end, I hope to motivate others. One day, I hope we all will be free.
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