Psoriasis Bucketlist

I was clear for a whole year, and then it came crashing to an end. I’ve been clawing to try and get back to silky smooth skin for almost 9 months without success. With every frustrating step and failed attempt to find clear again, I realize that I took those weeks for granted. That is why I developed a bucket list of everything I want to do when (yes, when—optimism is key) I am clear again.

Get a massage

This is something I have always wanted to do, but I just can’t get comfortable with the idea of a stranger rubbing their hands over my scales. I know they are professionals and trained for all types of body types; I just can’t get past feeling that I would be grossing them out. I am sure they would be polite and never say anything. It’s just that my mind would be racing, and I know I would never truly be able to relax. My lesions would be giving their hands a scratchy massage in return. The lotions and oils scare me too. When my skin is cracked, nothing feels good being rubbed into it.

Communally bathe

My in-laws have a special camping spot they go to every year in Washington called Sol Duc Hot Springs. It is set in the Olympic National Forrest and is breathtaking. In the center of the forest and campgrounds sits a lodge with multiple soaking tubs filled with natural hot spring water. It smells like rotten eggs, but is said to have healing properties and everyone who goes raves, but I have never been able to bring myself to enjoy it when we are there. There are signs everywhere warning about not going in if you have any contagious illness. I have always feared that someone would accuse me of being contagious and kick me out. Furthermore, it would mean showing a LOT of skin off.

Get a pedi

You might be surprised to see this on a guy’s bucket list. After all, I have taken my wife to nail salons and rarely see large hairy men such as myself. But, I have always wanted to get one. I heard they are amazing. I am on my size 14, flat feet all day long at work, and the thought of giving them a little pampering doesn’t sound half bad. Thankfully, I don’t have psoriasis on my soles, but I do have it like armor on my legs and very affected toenails. Like the massage, I worry I would be making the technician uncomfortable going in with a flare.

Be on the skins team

Growing up in Northeast Portland, street ball was a common pastime. We always divided up shirts against skins, and I fought like mad to be on the shirts team every game. I was sure I wouldn’t be allowed to play if they saw what was all over my torso. There has always been a little part of me that thought it would be great to be on the skins team sometime though. I could work on my tan while swishing balls all day long.

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