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Otezla (Apremilast) - changes in one week !

hi fellow amazing psoriasis friends.

I have just started taking Otezla (Apremilast) which was recommended by the dermatologist for a week now and oh boy I am seeing some changes already !

However, I do have to admit that by accident I am taking a stronger doze straight away, as I was supposed to be on something called a starter pack, that slowly increased the dose each day so you do not suffer at first with the potential side affects like nausea, headaches etc, When I picked up my prescription from the chemist I was given 30mg tablets instead which I have been taking twice daily so 60mg. I did feel a little tired but after a week don't seem to notice it and my stomach is fine.
I also take Methotrexate for my joints with no stomach issue.

Summary, is that my skin feels flatter and much less scaly, the redness is disappearing and this is all just in one week of taking Otezla (Apremilast). Quite excited for the first time in 20 years !!!!

  1. Hi @A1EK, wow, that is awesome! I am so glad you are feeling better and in such a short period of time. We appreciate you sharing with us. I hope you continue to see improvement. Jill, Team Member

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