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Psoriasis and dating

Suggestions on how to meet online for casual dating. I'm tired of getting hurt and low self-esteem when it comes to dating. Are there any online dating psoriasis sites?

  1. Hi , thanks so much for starting this discussion. You're definitely not alone in this 💖 Relationships and dating are something that our community members have mentioned struggling with. We have quite a few articles and posts on this topic, which you can find here if you're interested:

    I'm not sure about psoriasis-specific dating sites, but there are definitely dating sites for anyone who struggles with a condition that shows in the skin. I think there's also some Facebook groups based around psoriasis and dating. I can't personally vouch for any of these, but they do exist. I hope anyone who has used a psoriasis dating site or group will stop by to share with you.

    How has your psoriasis been lately? Warmest wishes, -Catherine, Community Moderator

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