, this is a great topic! I'll have to think about what would be a good gift, but I'd definitely say AVOID scented moisturisers and body lotions, unless you know that the person uses/wants them. I couldn't tell you the number of scented toiletries that I've received and not been able to use over the years. One good thing about that is I donate them to local charity shops, so they're not being wasted. I would also avoid getting anything like a spa/massage/manicure voucher, again, unless you know that this is something that the person would want. Lots of people don't realise that we can get quite self-conscious about our skin and nails, and what may be pampering for one person might be anxiety-inducing for the next!
Very interested to hear others' suggestions here. I could do with some ideas to put on my Christmas list! 😅 -Catherine, Community Moderator