Gardening and Psoriasis

I love to garden. My psoriasis doesn't feel the same way. Flowers and plants are my hobbies. Getting my yard cleaned up and flowers being planted makes me feel like I have accomplished so much. Making something grow from the group up is rewarding. Watching the flowers and plants grow gives me such a good feeling. Knowing that my yard will have color brings me happiness.

My psoriasis patches are aggravated by the dirt and hard work. The Louisiana heat is another factor that aggravates my psoriasis.

The agony of doing what I love

Bending and squatting to prepare the earth is not easy when psoriasis covers my knees and ankles. Digging holes even with trowels and small shovels causes cramping. My fingers don't like staying bent around the handles. The dirt gets stuck in the cracks of anyone’s hands, but it gets into the red and raw areas, and it is hard to get out. Washing my hands when I am done is great at first, but the constant rubbing makes the cuticles and creases feel like small stinging cuts.

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My knee causes me to stop and take breaks. I can't kneel like I used to. Now I must have a kneeling sponge in order to plant. My knees can't handle the uneven ground.

Between the blades of grass and the tiny little bugs that the humidity brings on I feel itchy and yet it is almost painful. Now it's time to add my flowers and plants. While I am planting, I wonder if the shock that the plants go into is kind of how I feel. Sort of sad and tired. Yet once they are in the dirt and shored up, they look great!

The results are beautiful

Now to add water. The water seems to give them new life. They stand straighter and hold their heads up. Look at the color. Red, Purple and yellow. Such brightness. The green of the lawn is such a perfect backdrop to their bright colors! Looks like the flowers are going to make it.

Even my aching knees and ankles are worth seeing the happy colors. My dirt was a mix with vitamins so I know like my own medications these plants will feel accepted and comfortable in their new home soon.

Feeling accomplished

As I picked up my tools and began to clean up the small mess I made, I felt so glad to still be able to work through my discomfort to enjoy my hobby. The yard looks great. Now it's time for some great self-care. A nice shower, comfortable clothes and some meds to help the feeling of accomplishment I have.

As I sit and look out my window, I can see the beauty that I helped create today. A smile sneaks across my face knowing how much it took physically but how much peace it gives all summer long. Do you have a hobby that you have a difficult time doing? Do you power through it because of the end result? I would love to hear about it in the comments.

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