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Plaque shaped bandaids on a knee with scrapes on it

Scraping by With Psoriasis

The other day, I fell. My foot was not on the sidewalk properly and my leg gave way. The fall left me with a deeply grazed knee and a slightly bruised ego.

My best friend said to me “C'mon, we're adults and supposed to be able to walk. Don’t give us a bad name.” I laughed so much. By the time I got back to the office, I had blood running down my swollen knee. I did not realize quite how much damage had been done.

I treated my new scrape with some antiseptic and waited for it to stop bleeding. Someone in my office asked if I should have it seen by a professional, naturally, I smiled and said, "No thanks, my psoriasis will sort it out."

Allowing psoriasis to heal my new scrape

I got this look of, "Are you crazy?!". I explained that due to the fast skin reproduction of my psoriasis spots, wait, hold up, did I mention that the knee I hurt was covered in psoriasis which is in full flare at the moment? Ok so it was, but I'll digress.

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I explained to my colleague that my skin reproduced quicker than most and that the wound would heal sooner than expected. See I knew without a doubt that soon enough, once the major ache had passed that my skin would heal in no time.

When your scrape meets your psoriasis skin

I am sure most of you have noticed this. If you bump your elbow and it bleeds, sometimes you wake up the next day and a flake has been shed and the little wound is gone. So what to do when you do scrape or hurt yourself and it is on your psoriasis?

Firstly and I am going to say this because I feel I need to. If the scrape is serious, go to a doctor or ER. Psoriasis only helps you so far. This my method for minor abrasions and scrapes.

The scrape healing routine

Firstly I oooohhh and I ahhhh in all the right places and feel incredibly sorry for myself, this is vital for self-healing. I take the required photograph. For evidence of course, and then send it along to the people who will have a giggle or feel sorry for me.

Second, make sure it is clean, I clean mine with some salt water and some antiseptic wash. This was so painful. It stung so badly but needed to be done. Once dry, I apply some antiseptic cream once a day and seriously a week later, along with the new shedding of my scales, off the scabs went.

And you guys, not a scar to be seen, nothing not one single mark, ok well just a new psoriasis spot or two but no scar.

Psoriasis superhero

Because you know when I hurt myself psoriasis and my skin will quickly stand together as one and assist each other. These psoriasis spots make sure there are enough new spots to replace the damaged ones. Another small thing to be thankful for, super regenerating skin. I am almost certain this should be listed as a superpower.

Maybe, after all, we are just superheroes finding our way.

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