Let's Talk! Sex, Intimacy, and Psoriasis

We know that romantic relationships and intimacy have a very real impact on emotional health. Share your story in our easy and anonymous polls, and raise your voice about what you want more of in the plaque psoriasis community!

What's your relationship status?

Community Poll

Which best describes you?

Sometimes you’ve gotta get creative or try new things. Has anything changed in the way you think about sex and intimacy since diagnosis?

Community Poll

Has psoriasis changed the way you think about sex and intimacy?

Everyone has a different relationship with their doc, and docs have different comfort levels about sex and intimacy. Have you ever brought up the subject with your docs?

Community Poll

Have you ever spoken with your healthcare team about psoriasis and your sexual health?

It can be hard to find objective info on sexual health. Do you find there's enough available?

Community Poll

Do you think there are enough resources on sex and intimacy for those with psoriasis?

We want to provide more of what the community wants when it comes to sex and intimacy. Tell us where your biggest interests are!

Community Poll

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Community Poll

Does your psoriasis management change with the seasons?