I started off 30 years ago with a diagnoses of Hashimoto and severe goiter. Fibromyalgia several years later. 18 years ago diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis. Had thymectomy, some good years and many years of being in and out of hospital for crashing from MG. Not being able to even get up and go to the bathroom alone. Have had years of problems with pain and swollen joints enlarged joints. Have had so many blood tests to see about autoimmune arthritis..always negative. Now I have pitted ridged nails, thick discolored toe nails, terrible ringing in ears, sometimes unbearable pain. Was told from MRIs my back is a big mess and now have scoliosis, spinal stenosis, and compressed discs. No tests has proven psoriatic arthritis but I have all the symptoms.
Fatigue is a big one since all of these illnesses cause that. In august 2017 i finished 2 years of IVIG treatments and it Seems like pain has gotten much worse since then. I have been on Imuran for 18 years along with prednisone, small to extreme doses for MG and too much ibuprofen and small doses of Percocet. ( too much bothers MG)
I'm going back up on omega 3 pills and oils, vitamin d3, and researching other natural help.
I get my strength from the Lord and try to always look at the blessings I do have. There are days I feel so frustrated and hopeless because of pain and fatigue..but I know MANY have it so much worse. I just want to help others find hope and joy. Our attitude makes a big difference in our lives.
Our love and caring for each other will help us all to endure until we are cured!