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Are you worthy?

I got this disease at the age of 5. (1963) I had severe psoriasis my whole life. Can you imagine the emotional trauma I had to endure over the years? I can, it impacted me severely. I had a fear of self-doubt and thought I was a loser. Can you imagine going through this as a child and into adulthood?

What changed my narrative was finding a community that understood, and me realizing I was not alone. I also had to accept my feelings and the thoughts in my head. I created a new path for me and I'm glad I did.

I'm my own best advocate now and I let my voice be heard. Is there anything you have done to change the narrative of your story? We would like to hear from you. Diane (Team Member)

  1. What a great topic. I now know that psoriasis gave my life purpose. When I started accepting having psoriasis I started getting involved with the National Psoriasis Foundation which changed my life in ways I could not have even imagined. Now I try to encourage others to get involved as well. Vickie W., Team Member

    1. You're strength to endure this throughout your life is beyond commendable. I know I can't imagine growing up as a child and having the possibilities of being misunderstood or even bullied because others simply didn't understand what was going on. But as you said, it's the acceptance and the mind shift that makes living with it a bit easier because you get to gain a sense of control in how you cope and manage with it instead of letting it just ruin you. Diane you are such a light and I personally enjoy learning about psoriasis through your experiences. Thank you for always being open and sharing with us. Kindly, Latoya (Team Member)

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