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What type of biologicals has the least side effects?

  1. Hi again so glad you are doing your research! In my other post, I sent you an article with the most common side effects for each biologic medication. Since we are all unique, our bodies and our reactions to medication, can be different. I would definitely encourage you to speak to your doctor about your concerns, if you haven't done so already. In addition to what I have already sent over, I am sending this article to you that lists a range of treatment options. I hope this is helpful. Jill, team member

    1. Thanks Jill. Any medication in particular you'd recommend as far as having less side effects?

      1. hi again. I would definitely ask this question to your doctor, if you haven't done so already, at your next visit. We are not medical professionals and I wouldn't want to give you a recommendation that wasn't right for you. Side effects from medication can really vary from person to person depending on many different variables. I wish I could answer this question better for you. Please keep us posted on what your doctor thinks and I really hope you can get some relief. Jill, team member

    2. Doctors take money from all of these companies so they're not to be trusted. The same people that were pushing covid vaccines at all costs. We need to seek out people who research this specifically.

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