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Can anyone recommend a coal tar shampoo?

Hi all!

I'm hoping to hear about any coal tar shampoos that you would recommend. I've always used Polytar but unfortunately they seem to have changed the formula in recent years (why does this always happen?!) and I don't like it as much. I'm also open to trying a shampoo where the active ingredient is something other than coal tar, so please send any/all recommendations my way.

Thanks, everyone!

  1. Hi do you know about the National Psoriasis Seal of Recognition program? They have products that have been tried by other psoriasis patients and their medical staff and if it passes they give it their Seal of Recognition. You can find some products there for Scalp Psoriasis. Hope this helps. Also there is a company called NuvoThera that just put out a scalp treatment for psoriasis. Vickie W., Team Member

    1. , thanks so much for these insights. I had heard of the NPF Seal of Recognition but couldn't work out where I heard about it (brain fog!). I just realised it was from a really useful article that you wrote a few years ago! How fitting 😊 I will link it here for anyone who's interested: - there's quite a few shampoos mentioned! I'll definitely be trying these out if I can get hold of them over here in the UK. I'll keep you updated. Thanks again!

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