When was the last time you had your colonoscopy? Was it normal? We would like to hear more from you. Diane (Team Member)
sho50 Member
Last Updated:
Yep! I had another colonoscopy a few weeks ago, and again another honker of an adenomatous polyp excised (gratefully not cancerous). So far, same every 5 years, one or more found and lopped off. But this time, in my old age, healing has been much slower and rather uncomfortable. That's one more of the "joys" of aging. That and a few more diverticuli.
DianeT Member
Last Updated:
, the joy of getting old, you are so right. I remember not having to see a doctor for years for a physical. I have always seem a doctor for psoriasis. Now I see my primary doctor every 3 months, I sure didn't see this coming. We just have to stay strong and keep moving forward. Thanks for sharing. Diane (Team Member)
sho50 Member
Last Updated:
Yeah... As we age, more and more of our "social life" occurs in medical offices. Dang!
DianeT Member
Last Updated:
, you made me laugh, but that is a true statement. I have a spreadsheet for my doctor appointments. Diane (Team Member)
Vickie Wilkerson Member
Last Updated:
I had to laugh a bit when we said our "social life" occurs in medical offices as we age. I took care of my mother as well as my mother-in-law for years and I felt like I lived in medical offices. It was the only real social life I had. Now as I age, I still feel like it I live in a medical office but this time for me. Vickie, Team Member
sho50 Member
Last Updated:
Yes, I actually meant this literally! It may seem kinda snarky, but it's really true. My calendar has at least as many medical appointments as all other entries combined. It's not so funny.
PS: I'm getting ready to go to my dry eyes (MGD) optometrist right now.
Vickie Wilkerson Member
Last Updated:
I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend. I just meant I could relate. I hope everything goes well with your eye appointment. Vickie, Team Member