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How Often Do You Engage With Educational Studies For Psoriasis?

I have been engaging in research studies for PsO since the beginning of time. Been doing clinical trials and studies over the past 2 decades. I even participated in one that did several biopsies. This one was my least favorite. It was for a teaching hospital that was doing some sort of autoimmune test. I'm sure that this has helped with further research.

How far would you go in testing to find a cure for this illness? Also, do you think we should be compensated for doing this?

  1. I once drove 3 hours one way to participate in a clinical trial. That meant 6 hours I would be on the road and was happy to do so to participate. If I am willing to do that I think I would be willing to go much farther to achieve a cure. Vickie W., Team Member

    1. That's so awesome of you to dedicate yourself to the progression of Pso and finding out as much as possible as we try to get closer to a cure. I know that drive was probably a drag but your purpose and dedication is truly going to take us forward in all of this. Thank you so much for your contribution! All the best, Latoya (Team Member)

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