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Plaque or Guttate Psoriasis & Actinic Keratoses (+Basal or Squamous Cell Carcinomas)

I can't be the only psoriasis sufferer who also has lots of recurring problems with actinic keratoses (AKs) and basal and/or squamous cell carcinomas (BCCs and SCCs). In fact, I'm willing to bet it's a fairly common comorbidity. Yet, there doesn't seems to be any discussion here nor on other sites about dealing with this insidious combination.

It's especially problematic on my scalp among all my remaining hair. Even my dermatologist has much difficulty distinguishing a small plaque or cluster of guttate spots from AKs or BCCs without biopsy, and she can't biopsy every spot. Even when they can be distinguished, they are often too closely comingled to be separately treated.

The biggest problem is the treatments for each are very different and NOT compatible with each other. Especially, treatments for the dysplastic lesions will inflame the psoriasis. Of course, my dermatologist considers the BCCs and even the AKs far more serious than any psoriasis lesions, so the plaques inevitably suffer from mistreatment. Do we just have to live with nasty scalp psoriasis?

What are some other experiences group members can relate with this comorbidity? Has anyone found a good way to deal with this incompatible treatments conundrum?

  1. Hey ! I'm really glad you started a forum discussion on this topic - hopefully this will enable you to connect with others who truly understand the struggles you are facing. I have just shared a link to your post with someone who may have relevant experience, so fingers crossed! I'll keep an eye out for anyone else who may be able to chime in here as well. Please keep us all posted on how you're doing. Warmest wishes, -Catherine, Community Moderator

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