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Psoriasis in the ears

Ok so to begin this I don't know what it is that's bothering my ears, I've had ear infection after ear infection since 2017 which I had chalked up to my multiple sclerosis, but I came across a Facebook post about how it affects some people in their ears and almost all of the stories sounded like the absolute hell I go through from time to time. I guess what I'm really looking for here is to find out if that is what it could be. I don't have anything like this anywhere but my ears and my scalp. Up until now I've just believed my dandruff mutated into something unmanageable (which has been about my luck this far). As far as my ears go I don't get external spots, is that something that always accompanies the ear issue? I just want to hear from those of you that also have this problem to get enough information from actual people living with psoriasis before I bring this up to my dr. I don't want to seem like I got a PhD from web MD, I just ultimately want answers. Any are appreciated. Thank you in advance.

  1. I'm so glad that you're reaching out, and I hope some of our community members here can share their specific experiences with you about ear psoriasis. As you read, psoriasis can, unfortunately, impact the ears and we have several articles written by our advocates about ear psoriasis. I'm going to link a couple of articles here about ear psoriasis that will hopefully help give you some insight. This one includes some facts and myths about ear psoriasis. This article has some tips for managing ear psoriasis Here Diane wrote about her experience. Hopefully those can give you a starting point while you wait for community members to chime in here. And, of course, if you have other questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. I can understand wanting to gather as much information as possible before brining it up with the doctor. -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

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