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Anyone have psoriasis on their eyelid?

Hi Everyone! I recently had a patch of psoriasis on my left eyelid. Has anyone had this and if so, what treatments have worked for you?
Thanks so much, in advance! XOXO Ashley

  1. I have had this in the past, - it can be super uncomfortable :/ I found applying almond oil really helped soothe the area. It did make my eyes a little blurry though... Have you been able to ask your doctor for suggestions? I hope you're able to find some relief!!

    -Catherine, Community Moderator

    1. My rheumy didn't have any suggestions. I won't see my dermy until October so, any suggestions are welcome! Thanks for the reply, Catherine! I will try almond oil next time it flares! XOXO -Ashley

      1. This can be such a painful place to have it! I used coconut oil when I had it here, but ultimately it was phototherapy that cleared it for me.
        Warm wishes,
        -Victoria, Community Moderator

        1. Coconut Oil is a great idea! Thanks so much for your reply!

      2. Plaques on the eyes are the worst! Mine gets so dry they crack and bleed on my eyelids. What is been helping me is sea salt baths, sunshine, and castor oil. I have also been using Marijuana derived nano CBD oil with Tumeric.. Also fresh organic aloe. I’ve actually been having a lot of success with aloe. But it Has to be the fresh plant. The stuff you buy in the store has a very small percentage of aloe in it and a lot of alcohol. If you’re going to use CBD oil make sure you use a good brand. Stuff that you can buy in the store usually is not good at all. Also CBD derived from marijuana is better than hemp because marijuana has more Endocannabinoids in it, And that’s what your body needs. Your body produces them as well.If anyone wants to know the company I use I’d be happy to let them know...

        1. Thanks, Toni! I will try fresh aloe the next time!

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