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Psoriasis On The Legs That Won't Go Away

Over 4 months ago, I was 80% covered in psoriasis. I started a new biologic and probably around 30% covered now. The medication is working pretty well except for the lower part of my legs.

Have you been on any medication that picks and chooses where it wants to work? We would like to hear from you. Diane (Team Member)

  1. the first biologic I was put on decided it would work on my hands which I was grateful for, but it didn't work anywhere else. Had to eventually switch to something else because I was 80% covered at the time of starting the first biologic. Vickie W., Team Member

    1. It's really weird how the medication does that. I have an appointment next week because my hands are killing me. Never a dull moment. Stay safe. Diane (Team Member)

  2. , I've often wondered if anyone else has had this happen! My experiences past and present - Dovobet ointment worked on my knees, Dovonex helps on my elbows, an OTC cream called Dermalex worked on my feet, almond oil seems to soothe psoriasis on my face, coal tar eases my scalp psoriasis, UVB helped my guttate and inverse psoriasis, methotrexate made a difference to all my psoriasis (until the psoriasis got triggered again) apart from a patch on my thigh. The patch on my thigh didn't respond to anything for YEARS and then suddenly it just vanished by itself, with no new/additional treatment, a couple of months ago. All of these treatments helped with a specific area of psoriasis and either made no, minimal or short-lived differences everywhere else. It's so strange that this happens! Especially so with the systemic medications like biologics or methotrexate - one would think they would have the same impact over the whole body! -Catherine, Community Moderator

    1. I have dealt with this for years and it's still an ongoing thing. Would love to know how this works. Diane (Team Member)

      1. Hello , Just wanted to follow up with you. My doctor put me on cyclosporine for pain. (short term) It seems to be working a little bit for the hands. Legs are still stubborn, but getting better. This sure is an unpredictable disease. I hope you are doing well. Diane (Team Member)

      2. Hey ! Thanks so much for updating me on how you're doing. You've been in my thoughts. Have you been on cyclosporine before? I'm glad to hear that it seems to be working a bit - I definitely hear you on the legs being stubborn though! Hopefully you'll continue to notice improvements as time goes on. Wishing you the absolute best, as always. -Catherine, Community Moderator

    2. That is weird. And of course the body will always react to things the way it wants to. Just curious, have you mentioned this to your doctor? Did they mention any possible reason for this? Hope you find some relief with your hands also! Keep us updated on how your appointment goes! -Latoya (Team Member)

      1. I have mentioned this to my doctors for the past 38 years. They give me something that works for a while, but the pain comes back. They don't have a clue. I was on Methotrexate which was helping, but causing me to have UTIs. I am going to leave my body to science. They will learn a lot.

      2. I couldn't help but to laugh at your last statement but I definitely understand. I stop trying to figure out why my body does what it does even when I'm following the proper protocols. It can be frustrating but then again what can you do. I hope things turn around for you soon. -Latoya (Team Member)

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