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Recommendations for an 11 year old child?

This is not my story, it is my Granddaughter's who has patches of Psoriasis on her head. I have tried so many treatments and there isn't anything that helps. The patches are raised, itchy and oozing. Are there any recommendations for an 11 year old? The doctor has given her oral medicine for a certain amount of days, plus numerous creams. Nothing seems to work. Now that she is reaching an age where she is aware that people might see it, she is a nervous wreck and I am sure that isn't helping. Can anyone have a recommendation?

  1. Hello Grace and thank you for your post.

    It is really difficult when a child is suffering, I am sorry to hear about your granddaughter. I had it quite severely as a child, particularly on my scalp, so I can empathise. Has she been referred to a dermatologist?

    We have a couple of great articles on scalp psoriasis and also psoriasis in children/teens, both have some treatment options that you may be interested in looking at/discussing with your granddaughter's doctor:

    It is tricky with children as often their psoriasis has to be fairly severe for stronger treatments to be considered, although prescription of these medications does occur. Things that I have found helpful for me personally are dovonex scalp solution (a prescription vitamin d derivative), tar shampoos (polytar is good) and also avoiding SLS/sulphates in shampoos. The last one made quite a dramatic difference for me, but of course everyone is different. I hear of people finding coconut oil very beneficial, also.

    I hope you find the articles helpful and your granddaughter can get some relief x

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