I am seven or eight years in remission now. I have had very small patches since but nothing like I used to have. I had about 85% coverage for five years with one small break in my flares.
I still struggle emotionally with what happened from that.
Everyone thought I was just being superficial and said ITs fine! Just wear a t-shirt.
But it was more than that.
I was in constant pain and the ITCH was unbelievable.
I turned to alcohol. It was the only thing that helped. It took the pain away!
Then I almost died from drinking.
And if anyone was still around from the psoriasis, they had now gone due to the drinking.
As had my career, which was everything to me.
I am fully in remission (just dealing with slight genital patches at the moment) and take shots every month.
but psychologically I can't seem to recover. I am angry. I am scared. I am unable to commit. I have tried psychiatrists who all try to get me to gain weight before anything else (and that is a whole other issue that is not so out of hand except PsYCHOLOGICALLY)
I'm not sure what to do. The emotional pain doesn't go away.
I am eternally grateful to be in remission. Its terrifying to even think I could have it again.
Thanks for listening.