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Skyrizi And Side Effects

I have been on Skyrizi for exactly 1 year this month. It's doing such a great job on my skin that I have just overlooked the side effects. At first, it was the infections, but my healthcare team just took me off of other medications.

I have been having constipation issues since I started this medication, along with weight gain. I just noticed that I'm having mood swings, which is not normal for me. I am a very happy-go-lucky sort of person.

Have you had any side effects from Skyrizi or any other biologic? We would like to hear from you. Diane (Team Member)

  1. are you thinking the mood swings are because of the medication? I know I have mood swings dealing with everyday life. I have never considered it being caused by any medication. Now I might have to start considering it. Vickie W., Team Member

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