Tremfya experience at 6 years.It worked great for the first 4 years and then slowly started coming back in year 5 and even more in year 6. It seems to be wearing off. Derm...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesBiologicsTips & AdviceTreatment
Ilumya Is anyone using Ilumya injections? I've been using Otezla for about 2 years, and its been about 90% effective, but my doc wants to try these injections. It is much...Reactions0reactionsComments9 repliesBiologicsSide EffectsTreatment
How Long Did It Take You To Receive A Biologic Treatment After Diagnosis?It seems like biologics are the way to treat psoriasis. Of course, there are other barriers to think about. Things such as insurance, your health, side effects, etc. What are...Reactions0reactionsComments9 repliesBiologicsAwarenessCoping
FeaturedThis Biologic has finally got rid of my psoriasis after 30 years ! I've suffered from psoriasis for near on 30 years with many treatments tried. I have posted before on my story, but to summerise: Started on head small scab, then all...Reactions0reactionsComments9 repliesTips & AdviceScalp PsoriasisTreatmentBiologics
Skyrizi And Side EffectsI have been on Skyrizi for exactly 1 year this month. It's doing such a great job on my skin that I have just overlooked the side effects. At first...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesBiologics
Are You Taking Two Biologics At Once?I didn't know you could take 2 biologics together, did you? Is there anyone out there that does? I am thinking about looking into this. The biologic that I am...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesBiologicsAwareness
Does The Covid Vaccine Interfere With Our Biologic?This was a question that came up recently. I'm not sure, but I do feel my biologic is not working effectively as it should. Maybe it's just me. There could...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesBiologicsAwareness
The state of psoriasis research (or what's up?)I was wondering if there are any viruses, bacteria, fungi, any members of the microbe world the could be the hidden causes of this #@$%##!!! Here's what I found so...Reactions0reactionsComments9 repliesBiologicsTriggers
How Do You Decide What Biologic To Start?This question was asked of me recently. What biologic do you want to go on now? My doctors have asked me this before. I am on biologic number 9. Shouldn't...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesCopingBiologics
FeaturedSafe Spaces to Learn: Biologics We know how valuable learning is to our community. We have lots of great information in our articles, but we also want you to learn from each other! This is...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesBiologicsTips & Advice