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SUN, SUN And more SUN

I lived in Brooklyn and then on Long Island.
I developed psoriasis at age 14.
In- hair, elbows eyebrows, lower legs. It ruined my life socially all through High School.
Moved to Alabama at 25 where there was some improvements.
Finally Moved to Florida. Started going to the beach as much as possible and at the same time, went to a standing tan salon every other day.
Within in 6 months ALL Psoriasis disappeared
At 35 I was finally able to wear short sleeve shirts and shorts.
You have no idea what it did to me psychologically.
I'm 78 and free.
If you live in the northern U.S., leave immediately. Even Alabama has cold weather and it will come back fast during months lacking warmth.
Florida is the best for curing.

Moved to Alabama at age

  1. As someone whose psoriasis is heavily impacted with the weather, I relate so well to your post. Thank you for sharing so candidly with us. We appreciate your insight. I am so glad that you were able to relocate somewhere where the weather was good for your psoriasis. It makes a big difference.

    Do you still get any flares at all? Mine only flares in winter, ( albeit badly) and that is what I have probably not chosen to relocate as yet.

    Of course , for some of our members are not affected by the weather. It is quite bizarre really.

    Clair ( Team Member)

    1. It totally disappeared and never came back.
      You must do it gradually, using lotions. After a while of moderation, and timing what you do is really bake in the sun. facing directly into the sun, increasing time gradually. Take Vitimin D tablets. Tel Doctor what your trying to do and he will tell you how many miligrams and how long its safe to take.
      When you start to get darker, go every 3 days, same with tanning salon, then constatly maintain either sun or salon.
      Keep that up for a year and you should win. If not , keep it up again but gradually.
      I never had great results with only salons. and costs a lot unless you can get a membership.

    2. given the dangers of skin cancer with so much sun exposure I am curious to know how many hours did your doctor tell you that you should be exposed? Vickie, Team Member

  2. , we appreciate you sharing with us all! Whilst there's currently no cure for psoriasis, there are lots of people who find the sun helpful. I'm always curious to hear about the weather in different places and how it impacts a person's psoriasis. I'm over in the UK and have never found the sun here helpful. However, a holiday to Corfu completely cleared up a guttate psoriasis flare I was having (which did unfortunately return once I came back home). I have also holidayed in France, Portugal and Majorca and noticed no effect of the sun on my skin in those places. It seems like the climate/part of the world really makes a difference to whether the sun is helpful or not. It's wonderful to read that the Florida climate has had such a big impact on your psoriasis. Thank you for sharing with us all - it's always great to hear positive experiences of finding relief. I thought you might appreciate the following article from Tikeyah, who also gets relief from the sun: Warmest wishes, -Catherine, Community Moderator

    1. Tropical Climate makes the difference. Mid to lower Florida weather is consiered Tropical
      Arizona, New Mexico and Lower California could be a good 2nd choice.

    2. , interesting! I'm not too familiar with the geography/different climates in the US, so I appreciate you sharing more. I'll have to look at how the climate of Greece/Corfu compares to that of Florida! It definitely does seem like the climate makes a difference. So glad you are finding relief in Florida. We've been seeing on the news over here that you guys have been having some pretty intense weather lately. Has your area been affected? Hope you and your loved ones are keeping safe. Warmly, -Catherine, Community Moderator

  3. We love a great success story! Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us. My family roots are in Alabama (Jackson), so I definitely understand your thoughts about the weather there. It’s amazing that you found your comfort and relief in Florida. I can only imagine the incredible freedom and relief you must have felt when your skin finally cleared, allowing you to wear whatever you wanted with confidence. Your story is truly inspiring and will undoubtedly resonate with others facing similar challenges. Wishing you continued health and happiness on your journey. Kindly, Latoya (Team Member)

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