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Vitamin D3

My story. I’m 42 and have had psoriasis since I was 5 after getting my ears pierced. Suffered in my scalp torso and in ears. It would worsen during pregnancy and after. I eat fairly healthy and am thin. I got to the point I figured there was nothing else to do but live (suffer) with it the rest of my life. But wait things began to unexpectedly change this year 2021. In January I had blood work done revealing low D levels so I started two things in January: Began taking a D3 supplement and removed gluten. Things got worse with flares and spots began to expand and connect with each other. Also red and itchy.l for about 8 months. Then when things hit a peak it miraculously began clearing somewhat slow and then rapidly. It’s amazing my belly has about 5% left and a huge lesson on back is lightening and fadding. I think it would be worth a try for others.

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