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Who is your support system?

The one thing I have heard for decades is that no one understands. My first true supporter was my husband who "understood" me. He had never heard of psoriasis, but when it came time to fight he was there by my side.

I had been going to the same dermatologist for years. I always had severe psoriasis over my whole body. He would give me a small tube of cream to last a month but it lasted less than a week. When I asked him for a bigger tube, I was told to add Vaseline to the medication. My husband came with me to an appointment. He asked him doesn't this cut down the effect of the medication.

I got my first large tube of medication. Who is there for you no matter what? We would like to hear from you. Diane (Team Member)

  1. I would have to say my mom was my first big supporter but once i married my husband he quickly became my biggest supporter. It is so important to have that support system so I now have all my psofamily as well as a support system which includes you thankfully. Vickie W., Team Member

    1. Hello , Nothing like the love of a good man!! Thank you for being my rock to lend on. Diane (Team Member)

      1. I can't wait to get myself a man! (haha) But my daughters are my wing ladies through thick and thin! -Latoya (Team Member)

    2. Hello , Be careful what you wish for!!! I tell mine all the time after 27 years - you know I can send you back where you came from!! LOL

      1. HAHAHA!!!! I'll be sure to keep my receipt! -Latoya (Team Member)

    3. My daughter's who both suffer from psoriatic arthritis and one also has severe skin pustular and plaque psoriasis

      1. Hello , I hope you are doing well. I ran across this article that was written by one of our team members. I think it's a good read.

        Check-in and let us know what is going on. Diane (Team Member)

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