Yes, it is possible to find and keep love with the right person. I broke out with guttate psoriasis from head to toe in 2022. I felt like a leper, and it lasted for months. I was hurting, itching, and burning and my attitude sometimes was not the best. Before I broke out I was in so much pain my hubby, Keith had to help me get dressed; I could not put on my shoes and socks. I had been married for 14 years at the time and my husband loved on me even more during that hard season of being diagnosed with Psoriasis and PsA and getting the proper meds. He has been my rock and always saw me for me, not my rash and aching joints. He helped me by rubbing me down with creams and salves and ran oatmeal baths for me so I could be more comfortable. He still does it now if I need it. True love is out there. Be encouraged.