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You Can't Make This Stuff Up

I just learned that in some states it is against the law to get a tattoo if you have psoriasis. You can't get a tattoo if you have any kind of open lesions or a rash.

Did you all know this? Does anyone live in one of these states? We would love to hear what you have to say.

  1. Wow! I just learned something new today! After doing some research, it looks like Oregon and South Carolina tattoo artists aren't permitted to work on any area of the skin where there are lesions. I can definitely understand the concern behind getting a tattoo while having a condition that irritates the skin, but making it a law in some states is another level! I live in Texas and I am not aware that we have this law in place but I'd be eager to hear from anyone in Oregon or South Carolina in our community who can offer some insight to this topic! Thanks so much for sharing this! Kindly, Latoya (Team Member)

    1. That is so interesting, My artist will only work on my skin during remission and no open lesions. Which makes sense, but we also have no laws to this effect. So I have my tattoos done at the end of summer when my skin is mostly clear, and if it is not clear enough then we wait till the next year. - Clair ( Team Member)

    2. that is very interesting. I live in Louisiana and tattoos are big business here. I have not heard of any such laws against tattoos being not allowed on lesion areas. That would get a lot of push back here I believe. That's just crazy. It's like being told we cannot get in a swimming pool because of open lesions. Vickie W., Team Member

  2. Hello , I got kicked out of the pool for having PsO back in the day. If I knew what I know now; I would have fought back. The things we don't know.

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