Can You Have Eczema On Top Of Your Psoriasis?

I really believe we need to be our own advocate when it comes to our healthcare. It is through personal research, learning, and having an open conversations with your doctor that you can get the best care possible. I don’t dare say that I know everything there is when it comes to my psoriasis journey. However, having 20 years of living with psoriasis does give me a lot of insight.

One of the things someone with psoriasis hears often is that their psoriasis is nothing more than eczema and can be treated. Psoriasis is not eczema. They are two completely different health conditions. Eczema does mimic some of the same symptoms as psoriasis. I guess it is based on this situation that my rheumatologist said I had eczema on top of my psoriasis.

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Did I have eczema on top of my psoriasis?

I was taken aback by what she said. In all of my 20 years of living with psoriasis, I had never once heard of this being the case. As soon as she said that here she went again about wanting to do another biopsy of my psoriasis. I have already had 3 done and am adamant that I will not have another one. She knows this so again, I told her no.

I understand that it might hinder my treatment at a point, but I don’t ever plan to have another biopsy done. I figured she brought up the eczema as a way to get me to agree to the biopsy. When I didn’t agree to it, she said just to stay on the same medication and come see her in three months. If I could change doctors I would do so, but I am stuck because of my insurance.

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The eczema statement kept going through my head. I spent some of that afternoon asking other people that I know living with psoriasis if they had ever heard of it or been diagnosed with it. It was not a surprise to me when each person said no to both questions. All was in agreement also that it was used as a way to get me to agree to the biopsy.

Since no one had heard of it, of course it meant that I needed to do more of my own research into it. Imagine my surprise when I saw an article by the National Psoriasis Foundation that says you can have both conditions at once. According to the article, you can have psoriasis and eczema on your hands or feet. My psoriasis is on my ankles so that does not hold weight in my opinion.

My psoriasis doesn't appear different

I might have been worried about this more if my psoriasis looked differently, but it did not. It has looked the same as it has since it started on my ankles. That has been several years ago now. It did get me thinking that maybe others in this community have heard of having psoriasis and eczema at the same time.

If you have been told this or have heard this, would you please share with us? If it was proven that you had both, it would also help if you told us how difficult it would be to treat with having psoriasis also. It is only through sharing our experiences that we all learn about things that can impact our psoriasis.

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