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A collage of men and women doing a variety of yoga poses and exercise activities

Staying Active With Severe Psoriasis

We have all heard the saying "Use it or lose it." I was covered over 80 percent of my body in scales over half of my life. It hurt to walk, but I knew I had to do something to keep active.

Moving is good for our physical and mental health. I know I feel better when I can get some physical activity in each day. Trust me, I know this is hard for those of us suffering from not getting around too well due to chronic illness and fatigue. The funny thing is that people who have physical limitations are the ones who need physical activity the most.

Planning daily physical activity with psoriasis

I have found some ways to get some activity into my daily life. Certain movements must be tailored to a specific person’s limitations and abilities.

Before you begin any exercise regimen, make sure you talk with your doctor. They can guide you on what you should and shouldn’t do based on your overall health. You can even get help from a physical therapist or trainer. They can help you plan an exercise plan that is suited for you and show you how to correctly perform movements to set goals to work up to.

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Some good questions to ask before you begin are:

  • How much exercise can I really do?
  • What type of exercises can I do?
  • What should I do if I feel too fatigued?

Tips to start an exercise routine

Once you talk to your doctor and they give you the okay, it is time to put a plan together. Here are some general tips to get you started:

  • Have a positive attitude and stay committed – don’t give up.
  • It will take time to see results, but keep at it.
  • Do a variety of exercises so you don’t get bored.
  • Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated.
  • If you miss because you don’t feel well, start the next day.
  • Listen to your body if you feel pain – don’t overdo it.

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Different types of physical activity

There are many types of exercises you can implement into your routine, each with its own benefit. You may pick and choose a few from each category you’re able to perform. This will give you a more diverse and well-rounded plan.

  • Balance exercises – Improves your balance and stability. They’re helpful in combination with other exercises. My favorite is walking toe to toe in a straight line. It’s easy and keeps you on your feet.
  • Cardiovascular exercises – These increase your heart rate and build endurance. Walking, swimming, maybe biking if you can handle it, hiking, and low-impact aerobics would all be examples of this. It is very important that you attempt to get some form of cardiovascular exercise, even if it is minimal and low impact.
  • Strength training – This helps build muscles and trains your core by using weights and resistance. Strength training is good for people with limited mobility because it can include chair and bed exercises.
  • Flexibility training – This improves your range of motion. Try yoga and a variation of stretching. Isometric exercises can also fall into this category and are very helpful to those who need help with a specific area.

Getting support online

You can join an online support group of people who also have limited mobility and are getting back into daily exercise activities. It’s nice to be able to talk with someone who is going through the same experience as you are. Finally, don’t be discouraged if during your research you find some of these programs catered to seniors and you’re not a senior. While some seniors do suffer from limited mobility, they’re not the only ones. Even if the program seems catered to older adults, the results and benefits will still be positive no matter your age. Come join us!!

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