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An arm giving a thumbs up with an ice cube frozen around it.

Keeping Cool with Psoriatic Disease

Do you have trouble staying cool when it is hot outside? I sure do. Psoriasis seems to affect my ability to stay cool. Biologically, humans have a predictable response to the environment, but those of us who live with psoriatic disease are far from predictable.

Every body is different

A perfect example of this is finding a lotion that hydrates your skin and recommending it to another person - and the product isn't as successful for them. Each person has their own exclusive experience when it comes to skin and psoriasis treatment management.

When I tried biologic drugs, there are different medications that may or may not help depending on what cells are being targeted. Certain biologics target IL-17 or IL-23. I believe it is these cells, that is the reason for our exclusive experience. It all comes down to genes.

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The impact of layering up

One of the things that I have an issue with is how to treat my psoriatic conditions. My psoriatic arthritis reacts to warmth and eases my joints. My psoriasis not so much.

The warmer the water, the drier I am. I also have learned that I get angry red plaques from covering up my affected areas. It seems as if the more heat involved, the angrier my skin becomes.

Night sweats and overheating

Another problem that occurs for me is overheating when I sleep. I find that my skin seemed to get secondary yeast infections from heat staying trapped.

The next thing is to turn to the internet to find out about anything to help with staying cool when you sleep. I found out there are bedsheets that actually have a cooling factor - cooling sheets. The price was a bit steep, but saving up for the sheets made sense if it meant comfort.

I lay on a cool sheet and cover up with one. The first thing I noticed after using these sheets was that I was not picking at my self in my sleep. Secondly, my sheets were not bloody! For me, this is a success.

The hot sticky weather

Now that the weather in Illinois is getting warmer, I must do things to keep cool. The most important thing that I do is to carry water with me. My body dehydrates at every opportunity in the heat.

People do not realize that a cold bottle of water can save you. Not just by drinking it - but as a first aid resource. Here is the trick I learned from a first aid paramedic: take a cold bottle of water and put it between your legs as close to your core as you can. This tactic will immediately help lower your body temperature.

Please be safe and smart when in heat. Remember to keep cool! Be well!

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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